Dang! Missed another aniiversary
(too old to reply)
2024-09-19 15:33:53 UTC
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.

1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.

2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.

A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_ (which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative work of fiction posted as part of an ongoing
artistic performance. No criticism of any individual, group or government body
is implied or should be inferred.
2024-09-19 16:00:54 UTC
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
weathuar. They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back. Their
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].

Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative
work of fiction posted as part of
an ongoing artistic performance.
No criticism of any individual,
group or government body is
implied or should be inferred.
2024-09-19 16:08:46 UTC
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:00:54 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
Isnt Scotland noted for, among other things, being a bit rainy?
Post by UltraV
They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back.
So rain can get in. Or vandals. Good idea!
Post by UltraV
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].
There was no way of knowing that until after it was all installed. Cant
have been. Because otherwise such a mistake would reek of gross
Post by UltraV
Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
I bet they would have, if CRT screens had still been cheaper.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative work of fiction posted as part of an ongoing
artistic performance. No criticism of any individual, group or government body
is implied or should be inferred.
2024-09-19 17:27:46 UTC
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:00:54 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
Isnt Scotland noted for, among other things, being a bit rainy?
Bit rainy, bit windy, very dark, you know the kind of thing.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back.
So rain can get in. Or vandals. Good idea!

Also the noise must be good company if you live in a first floor flat beside
a bus stop.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].
There was no way of knowing that until after it was all installed. Cant
have been. Because otherwise such a mistake would reek of gross
I dont suppose pRODJECKT mANADGEMENT courses or books ever mention checking
for compatibility of standards, since nothing has ever gone wrong in that

I mean, engineers might have mentioned it, but what do they know?
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
I bet they would have, if CRT screens had still been cheaper.
I feel nostalgic for the non-existent CRT screens that I can now clearly
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative
work of fiction posted as part of
an ongoing artistic performance.
No criticism of any individual,
group or government body is
implied or should be inferred.
2024-10-09 10:00:04 UTC
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:27:46 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:00:54 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
Isnt Scotland noted for, among other things, being a bit rainy?
Bit rainy, bit windy, very dark, you know the kind of thing.
Thats what I thought. Rainy, windy, dark, and generally not very good
"electronics out in the open" wethuar.
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back.
So rain can get in. Or vandals. Good idea!
Also the noise must be good company if you live in a first floor flat beside
a bus stop.
I sleep in the computer room, so fan noise is something I can filter out
really effectively. Hence this one is lost on me. :|
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].
There was no way of knowing that until after it was all installed. Cant
have been. Because otherwise such a mistake would reek of gross
I dont suppose pRODJECKT mANADGEMENT courses or books ever mention checking
for compatibility of standards, since nothing has ever gone wrong in that
I mean, engineers might have mentioned it, but what do they know?
Oh, engineers. Theyre always being Debbie Downers with their "technical
objections" and general negativity. No wonder managers grow weary of
their fiddle faddle.
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
I bet they would have, if CRT screens had still been cheaper.
I feel nostalgic for the non-existent CRT screens that I can now clearly
There are some people who swear that CRTs are superior (at least in some
ways) to LCD screens. And unlike the vinyl vs CD brigade theyre
actually right.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative work of fiction posted as part of an ongoing
artistic performance. No criticism of any individual, group or government body
is implied or should be inferred.
2024-10-12 23:46:41 UTC
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:27:46 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:00:54 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
Isnt Scotland noted for, among other things, being a bit rainy?
Bit rainy, bit windy, very dark, you know the kind of thing.
Thats what I thought. Rainy, windy, dark, and generally not very good
"electronics out in the open" wethuar.
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back.
So rain can get in. Or vandals. Good idea!
Also the noise must be good company if you live in a first floor flat beside
a bus stop.
I sleep in the computer room, so fan noise is something I can filter out
really effectively. Hence this one is lost on me. :|
"Fan" is often offered as a calming/sleep noise in apps, too.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].
There was no way of knowing that until after it was all installed. Cant
have been. Because otherwise such a mistake would reek of gross
I dont suppose pRODJECKT mANADGEMENT courses or books ever mention checking
for compatibility of standards, since nothing has ever gone wrong in that
I mean, engineers might have mentioned it, but what do they know?
Oh, engineers. Theyre always being Debbie Downers with their "technical
objections" and general negativity. No wonder managers grow weary of
their fiddle faddle.
But surely they must get credit for having pointed out the issue once the
chickens have come home to roost? No?
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
I bet they would have, if CRT screens had still been cheaper.
I feel nostalgic for the non-existent CRT screens that I can now clearly
There are some people who swear that CRTs are superior (at least in some
ways) to LCD screens. And unlike the vinyl vs CD brigade theyre
actually right.
Now I am nostalging for my little Trinitron TV! Crisp, not smeary.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative
work of fiction posted as part of
an ongoing artistic performance.
No criticism of any individual,
group or government body is
implied or should be inferred.
2024-10-17 18:07:46 UTC
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:27:46 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:00:54 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
Isnt Scotland noted for, among other things, being a bit rainy?
Bit rainy, bit windy, very dark, you know the kind of thing.
Thats what I thought. Rainy, windy, dark, and generally not very good
"electronics out in the open" wethuar.
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back.
So rain can get in. Or vandals. Good idea!
Also the noise must be good company if you live in a first floor flat beside
a bus stop.
I sleep in the computer room, so fan noise is something I can filter out
really effectively. Hence this one is lost on me. :|
"Fan" is often offered as a calming/sleep noise in apps, too.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].
There was no way of knowing that until after it was all installed. Cant
have been. Because otherwise such a mistake would reek of gross
I dont suppose pRODJECKT mANADGEMENT courses or books ever mention checking
for compatibility of standards, since nothing has ever gone wrong in that
I mean, engineers might have mentioned it, but what do they know?
Oh, engineers. Theyre always being Debbie Downers with their "technical
objections" and general negativity. No wonder managers grow weary of
their fiddle faddle.
But surely they must get credit for having pointed out the issue once the
chickens have come home to roost? No?
If by "credit" you mean "all the blame", then sure.
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
I bet they would have, if CRT screens had still been cheaper.
I feel nostalgic for the non-existent CRT screens that I can now clearly
There are some people who swear that CRTs are superior (at least in some
ways) to LCD screens. And unlike the vinyl vs CD brigade theyre
actually right.
Now I am nostalging for my little Trinitron TV! Crisp, not smeary.
There have been suggestions since over a decade ago on how to improve
colour rendition on modern displays by adding more colours beyond just
R, G and B. But it all went quiet and nothing seems to have come of it.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative work of fiction posted as part of an ongoing
artistic performance. No criticism of any individual, group or government body
is implied or should be inferred.
2024-10-18 20:07:28 UTC
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:27:46 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
On Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:00:54 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
Its ok. We can take a moment to feel old now, on the 19th.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_
Post by n***@nowhere.com
(which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
Not so fast! Edinbvrgh Cooncil have just spent GBP 2.9M on new bus tracker
screens that are colour TVs mounted outdoors on poles in East of Scotland
Isnt Scotland noted for, among other things, being a bit rainy?
Bit rainy, bit windy, very dark, you know the kind of thing.
Thats what I thought. Rainy, windy, dark, and generally not very good
"electronics out in the open" wethuar.
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
They are cooled by two noisy exhaust fans on the back.
So rain can get in. Or vandals. Good idea!
Also the noise must be good company if you live in a first floor flat beside
a bus stop.
I sleep in the computer room, so fan noise is something I can filter out
really effectively. Hence this one is lost on me. :|
"Fan" is often offered as a calming/sleep noise in apps, too.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
system was not compatible with the actual tracking systems installed on the
Lothian Transport buses, either, but that was just a Sodimpco Bonio[TM].
There was no way of knowing that until after it was all installed. Cant
have been. Because otherwise such a mistake would reek of gross
I dont suppose pRODJECKT mANADGEMENT courses or books ever mention checking
for compatibility of standards, since nothing has ever gone wrong in that
I mean, engineers might have mentioned it, but what do they know?
Oh, engineers. Theyre always being Debbie Downers with their "technical
objections" and general negativity. No wonder managers grow weary of
their fiddle faddle.
But surely they must get credit for having pointed out the issue once the
chickens have come home to roost? No?
If by "credit" you mean "all the blame", then sure.
Oh. Right.
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Post by n***@nowhere.com
Post by UltraV
Apparently other European cities tend to use E-ink screens for such screens.
Im just surprised the City Faithers did not go for a mini CRT screen
I bet they would have, if CRT screens had still been cheaper.
I feel nostalgic for the non-existent CRT screens that I can now clearly
There are some people who swear that CRTs are superior (at least in some
ways) to LCD screens. And unlike the vinyl vs CD brigade theyre
actually right.
Now I am nostalging for my little Trinitron TV! Crisp, not smeary.
There have been suggestions since over a decade ago on how to improve
colour rendition on modern displays by adding more colours beyond just
R, G and B. But it all went quiet and nothing seems to have come of it.
Interesting! I wonder why. Many people still have TV screens.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative
work of fiction posted as part of
an ongoing artistic performance.
No criticism of any individual,
group or government body is
implied or should be inferred.