2024-09-19 15:33:53 UTC
1975-09-04: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is broadcast in .uk.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_ (which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
1999-09-13: The first episode of _Space: 1999_ is set.
2024-09-13: I was supposed to do one of those "wanna feel old" ps0ts
and forgot.
A missed opportunity in more ways than one. If the production had had
the courage to go with flat screens like _2001_ (which it was obviously
inspired by in at least some ways) instead of minature CRTs, then people
would still be talking about how much the show got right instead of how
much it got wrong.
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Everything on aroonn is a creative work of fiction posted as part of an ongoing
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is implied or should be inferred.
Misclaimer required by Ministry of Truth:
Everything on aroonn is a creative work of fiction posted as part of an ongoing
artistic performance. No criticism of any individual, group or government body
is implied or should be inferred.