Post by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comOn Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:09:28 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comOn Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:24 -0000 (UTC), UltraV
Post by UltraVPost by UltraV1979: Pink Floyd record _Comfortably Numb_
2024: Radio Caroline has some technical problems, plays emergency tape.
2024: Tape includes _Comfortably Numb_.
2024: auuV: *grooves along* heyyy, this is good!
Is this a tecord?
Or even a record.
And tonight they are playing _Poles Apart_.
| the funny thing is that I didn't know it was such an established tuning
| - I thought it was something new that I had invented
And with that, David Gilmour manages to lose respect from me. Didnt
think that was even *possible*.
Ouch! That sting *stung*!
Well imagine having all that money and all that fan adulation and still
knowing deep down that youre kind of mediocre. It would be h*ck!
No, much better to be blithely unaware of your own faults. Im sure
thats all that keeps many powerful and/or famous people going. :D
Criticism is inevitable once you stand up and do something. Its interesting
to note how different people (including oneself) deal with it.
Post by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comWait a minute...
|Polly Samson
I know of her!
She had a temporary exhibition of her sculptures in the head office of a
company where I worked. Pre 2008, when they were still spending lots of
monnais on culture and entertainment and staff parties and that.
It was somewhat memorable, I will just say.
ITIKWYM. So is a particularly bad bout of the squits.
OK, the exhibition was better than that!
Post by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVI dont expect her famous husband in any way influenced her career
opportunities as a sculptor, or...
No, Im sure nepotism isnt really a thing in those exalted circles.
<gets stitch in side laughing>
Post by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVPost by n***<klik!>
| is married to the musician David Gilmour, and has written lyrics for his
| albums and the last two records by his band Pink Floyd.
... songwriter.
Post by n****His* band? It just keeps getting better, doesnt it? :D
Ouch again!
Ive said it before but it bears repeating: his first decision as leader
of "his" band was to publish an album of Roger Waterses outtakes, as
they were better than anything that (what was left of) "his" band could
Credit where its due, it was the correct decision.
I can understand it. Even if one thinks one has plenty of new material in
the pipeline.
Hmm. I meant that more in a "wow that was some burn, all thats left is
a little silhouette on the wall" sort of sense.
OK! I still think it was rational, but I am no expert in the history of
music of this band. :)
Pretty simple: Started shit. Lost drugged out hippie. Got good.
Kicked out genius. Went shit again.
I know it at that level. I could not give a dated or complete discography
though. Or an assessment of their many studio albums.
Before 1971: who cares?
1971: _Meddle_. Some great moments, but not perhaps as great as some
thought they were. The band not really sure at this point whether they
were punks or hippies. Did get a dog named after, so theres that.
1972: _Obscured by Clouds_. Film soundtrack. God knows what they were
thinking. The film is unintentionally hilarious, BTW. Basically _King
Kong_ without the monkey. It is Fr*nch. (See also: Arse, completely
up its own.)
1973: _Dark Side of the Moon_. In some ways a victim of its own
success, but still brilliant even though everyone has heard it
completely to death by now.
1975: _Wish You Were Here_. Somehow manages to be cynical and poignant
at the same time. It is a great pity more albums arent like this.
1977: _Animals_. With the cynical turned nicely up to 11 even though
this means that the poignant sometimes misfires slightly. Musically one
of the best of all time.
1979: _The Wall_. Bit of a mixed bag. A story that needed to be told,
but starting to get a bit pompous in places. Notable for the hype, and
the fact that you can clearly see hints of the album RW *really* wanted
to make all along - 1991s _Amused to Death_.
After 1979: who cares?
Post by UltraVPost by n*** respect SB but I was never a fan the way everyone else seems to be.)
I can understand that.
Post by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comAfter all this new
material eventually became _A Momentary Lapse of Reason_ which was, by
any truly independent analysis, utter shit.
I shall take your word for it. Not planning to go and listen to the album
or even samples of it.
Excellent plan.
Post by n***@nowhere.comPost by UltraVPost by n***@nowhere.comApart from anything else, Gilmour had a long list of complaints about
Waters this and Waters that and Waters monopolising the band - then as
soon as Waters had left, Gilmour started actually doing all the things
he had (often unfairly) blamed Waters for.
What was that about "bad people always accuse you of their sins" again?
That is borne out, isnt it?
Saw a meme with three pics of DG through the years, with the fourth one
being a picture of Hide the Pain Harold (there is a resemblance).
Only a fool would try to sell Pink Floyd on the basis of their looks. If
you want One Direction, you know where to find them.
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